Reutligen , Deutschland
Born 1985
Simone Urbanietz Preiss

Be bold and fearless! Be who you really wanna be!
I am Simone, born in 1985 and married, I have two Bernese Mountain Dogs and live in Reutlingen, at the foot of the Swabian Alb.
The most beautiful thing about art is to make people happy, to give them courage every day to follow their dreams and believe in themselves.
Simone Urbanietz-Preiss
I am what you call a self-taught person through and through. I have neither attended an art school nor ever booked a course.
My art lives from my courage to try out different things.
...I never had any intention of doing anything with art, or using it as a means of communication. For me, art was always a school subject where I had to trace because I was not able to draw any animals or people. What came out of it was usually neither particularly beautiful nor did it get a good grade. That's exactly why I found it completely absurd when my husband suggested in 2017 of all people that I should express my emotions on a canvas. But I did it and what came out was my very own style.
My profession and my own perfectionism had already brought me to my limits before the death of my father.
Stress, grief ---> Final destination anxiety disorder.
Something had to change - I wanted to change the world, to open people's eyes to take more time for themselves, to rethink their lives and change something if they are not happy or stuck. And I wanted to tell people “go out with your dreams, no matter how unattainable they seem, no matter what others tell you - have the courage and go your own way. Leave everything behind that is holding you back.
My art is your post-it for that.
It encourages you that you can achieve anything.
From the leftover wedding decoration, I developed my own style. Bright colors meet gold and above all texture. It is the interplay of colors and the overlay of gold that makes the charm.
“For me, gold makes you rich. Gold radiates not only in physical form, but can also have a deep mental effect on us. It is more than material possession, gold is a symbol of wealth and prosperity, which also touches and enriches us on an emotional level.
The presence of gold in our lives creates a feeling of stability and security. It gives us a sense of value and permanence, which gives us confidence.
When we surround ourselves with gold, whether in the form of jewelry, decoration, or art, we also feel rich on a mental level.
But gold also has a deep spiritual meaning. It is often associated with wisdom and spiritual development. Gold stands for the sun, the light that shows us the way and inspires us to unfold our full potential. It reminds us that true riches lie not only in material possessions, but also in inner growth and spiritual fulfillment. So gold makes you rich in one way or another. And that gives us courage every day to not only dream our glittering dreams, but also to live them.
In the last three years, I have sold and sent out more than 200 works of art into the world. My story has been printed in many German women's magazines such as 'tina', 'Bella', 'Frau von Heute', etc.
'The path to happiness is not straight. Most of the time, it arises from quite a mess in the head.
The ART is to figure out what makes YOU happy from it.
For me, color in life is an essential part of my journey to happiness.'
Simone Urbanietz-Preiss
'I am incredibly proud that with my art I can combine personal growth and luxurious interior design.
My art stands for uniqueness and encourages you to live out exactly this glittering, sometimes loud, sometimes quiet, whatever is currently inside.
We only regret the things we did not do and live.
That's why it's so important to find yourself again and again and to give your dreams and ideas space and then to pursue them focused.'
All artworks by
Simone Urbanietz Preiss
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